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- object Form1: TForm1
- Left = 220
- Top = 86
- BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
- BorderStyle = bsSingle
- Caption = 'Directory Magic 98 - Installation Programme..'
- ClientHeight = 296
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- object Label2: TLabel
- Left = 83
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- Width = 172
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Test Drive/Shareware Version'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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- ParentFont = False
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- object Label4: TLabel
- Left = 17
- Top = 53
- Width = 323
- Height = 13
- Caption =
- '"The most powerful directory manager available for Windows 95/98' +
- '"'
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- Left = 6
- Top = 71
- Width = 343
- Height = 2
- end
- object Label5: TLabel
- Left = 66
- Top = 77
- Width = 217
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Directory Magic 98.. Version 3.0.. Release 1.0'
- end
- object Label6: TLabel
- Left = 91
- Top = 96
- Width = 164
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Copyright ÔøΩ 1998 by Kaboom JSP.'
- end
- object Label7: TLabel
- Left = 100
- Top = 116
- Width = 146
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'All Rights Reserved Worldwide'
- end
- object Image1: TImage
- Left = 120
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- Width = 34
- Height = 32
- Picture.Data = {<image002.ico>}
- end
- object Label8: TLabel
- Left = 156
- Top = 275
- Width = 134
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Made in the United Kingdom'
- end
- object Button1: TButton
- Left = 6
- Top = 269
- Width = 47
- Height = 25
- Caption = '&Install'
- Enabled = False
- TabOrder = 0
- OnClick = Button1Click
- end
- object Button2: TButton
- Left = 303
- Top = 270
- Width = 50
- Height = 25
- Cancel = True
- Caption = '&Cancel'
- TabOrder = 1
- OnClick = Button2Click
- end
- object Memo1: TMemo
- Left = 6
- Top = 137
- Width = 347
- Height = 128
- Lines.Strings = (
- 'Software Licence..'
- ''
- 'Please read the following lines carefully before using this soft' +
- 'ware. If '
- 'you disagree with any of the following, you are not allowed to u' +
- 'se this '
- 'program. You MUST then delete it immediately.'
- ''
- 'Liability..'
- ''
- 'Directory Magic 98 and this installation programme are provided ' +
- '"AS '
- 'IS" without any warranty of any kind either expressed or implied' +
- '.'
- ''
- 'The entire risk as to the use of this installation programme and' +
- ' '
- 'Directory Magic 98 is assumed by the user.'
- ''
- 'The author (Jack Pritchard/Kaboom JSP) shall not be held liable ' +
- 'for '
- 'any damage or loss, be it special, incidental, or consequential '
- 'caused by this software either directly or indirectly.'
- ''
- 'The author tries to keep his software as bug-free as possible. B' +
- 'ut it'#39's '
- 'a general rule that no software ever is error free, and the numb' +
- 'er of '
- 'errors increases with the complexity of the program.'
- ''
- 'Please test these programmes with non-critical data. The author '
- 'cannot guarantee the safety of your data. Especially with newer '
- 'operating systems like Windows NT or OS/2 which could cause '
- 'trouble. '
- ''
- 'Should you find any errors or bugs before registration, you acce' +
- 'pt '
- 'them if you register.'
- ''
- 'Any liability for damage of any sort is hereby denied. Liability' +
- ' is limited '
- 'only to the rufund of your registration fee.'
- ''
- 'All mentioned Trademarks and Copyrights belong to their respecti' +
- 've '
- 'owners.'
- ''
- 'If you agree with these terms then you may continue by selecting' +
- ' '
- 'I Agree followed by Install, otherwise select cancel and delete ' +
- 'this '
- 'software from your system.')
- ScrollBars = ssVertical
- TabOrder = 2
- end
- object Button3: TButton
- Left = 57
- Top = 269
- Width = 54
- Height = 25
- Caption = 'I Agree'
- TabOrder = 3
- OnClick = Button3Click
- end
- end